Your end-to-end environmentally friendly dry cleaner.
Being an end-to-end environmentally friendly dry cleaner doesn’t just mean what type of dry cleaning solvent you use, it also refers to the other waste-producing products you use, such as single-use plastic bags, and single-use wire hangers.
Biodegradable + environmentally responsible Sensene cleaning solutions
Our Bowe M30 machines have very high solvency power but are very gentle on fabrics. Textiles retain bright colours, dis-colouring is prevented and your items are left with a soft “touch” and a pleasant, clean smell. Our all-new Sensene cleaning solutions are biodegradable, have low aquatic toxicity and are an environmentally responsible textile cleaning solution.
Great for you, your items and the environment.
Your wellbeing is our focus. We're proudly 100% PERC-free.
Conventional dry cleaning is one of those activities that few people think about when they consider environmental impact. For a long time, perc (short for perchloroethylene) was the most commonly used solvent in dry cleaning. Perc has been found to cause damage to the liver and kidneys, impaired memory, dizziness and headaches. It is also considered a potential carcinogen.
For the safety of our customers, their families and our staff, Eastern is 100% Perc free. We are the only Dry Cleaner in Christchurch that has stopped using Perc completely.
To find out more about the dangers of Perc, click here.
0% emission all-electric delivery vans
Our delivery vans are all electric, 0% emission which we believe reflects the environmentally friendly approach Eastern has taken with the use of modified alcohol as our cleaning solvent.